
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Retro Kid Lit: Reading our Way through Golden Book History

My daughter  received the Golden Books Classic 65th Anniversary boxed set for her first birthday this winter and we brought it out to enjoy this weekend while we waited for Hurricane Irene to pass.

The set is gorgeous and I love the feel of cracking open those golden spines for the first time.  In our first adventure with the Golden Books, E. was more interested in taking the books in and out of their box.  But she knew they were something special.  At the end of the night, she insisted on placing each book back, one by one, before placing the box on her shelf and waving good night to it.

Why didn't she scatter these books on the floor, stack them like blocks or turn them into hats as she does with so many others? 

Was it the gold spine, the watercolor illustrations, or all those words on the page (so many more than in our usual board books)- that made each book seem so special?

Stay with us as we go through these new-old treasures and discover why my 21st Century Baby is falling in love with the 1940s classics- and what I'm learning on my second time around with old friends.